Earthquake Events When Jesus Was Crucified

Maybe you have heard many times that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is one of the important days in human history. Basically, there are four important events that occur on this earth. First is God created the first human. Second is the day of fall…

The Symbol of the Rooster in Christianity

When you look at a church roof, there is a rooster that stands right at the end of the roof. Maybe you have thought why the church uses the symbol of a rooster? Is there a connection between Christians and the symbol of a rooster? To find out what…

The Dove Symbol in Christianity

Maybe you've seen when there are important events related to affection, peace, or any event always shows someone releasing a dove as a symbol. However, did you know that pigeons are often used as a symbol of Christianity? In Christianity, the…

The Concepts of Salvation in Christian Doctrine

Salvation based on Christian belief is all in the protection of Jesus Christ. Salvation can only be done if someone has believed or believed in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this section, we believe that one day we will unit…

True Christian Character According to Bible Teaching

To fulfill the character as a Christian leadership must meet the standards to be a character that is faithful and godly and will still be in accordance with God's righteousness in the principles of the church against politics. In addition to me…

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