Terms of Christian Marriage


At the time of human creation, God said: "It is not good if man is alone. I will make a helper for him, who is equal to him. " (Gen. 2:18). From the beginning, God did not create humans to live alone. Allah created humans to live in pairs. Therefore, marriage is a good thing for humans to do. Marriage is a relationship that is willed by God.

In Christianity, marriage is something holy and glorious. Marriage is not just about conveying Christian marriage vows. In Ephesians 5:32, Paul says that the marriage relationship should be like Christ's relationship with the church. Marriage becomes a means for God to show His love for humans. Therefore, marriage must be a legal and confirmed relationship in Christ.

Terms of Marriage according to Religion

Although these are governed by Catholics, these rules are based on the Bible and so also apply to Protestants.

  1. The prospective groom has not reached the canonical age of 16 years and for the woman has not reached the age of 14. The reason for the age limit is to ensure that the bride and groom are mature intellectually and psychosexually.
  2. Impotence of the prospective bride and groom. Right. 1095 says that impotence is an obstacle to natural Divine law so that it is not negotiable. Impotence is a person's inability to have sexual intercourse.
  3. Already tied in a marriage bond. Christianity cannot accept divorce and polygamy. Mark 10: 9 states that, "Therefore, what God has joined together, no man may divorce." Then at 1 Thessalonians 4: 4 it says that "that each one of you may take a woman to be your own wife and live in sanctification and honor,".
  4. Interfaith marriage. Paul to the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 6:14 said that, “Do not be an unequal partner with unbelievers. For what similarities exist between righteousness and iniquity? Or how can light be united with darkness? "
  5. Already obtained holy ordination. This ordination gave them canonical status which made them ministers in the church such as priests, nuns, and others.
  6. Vows of public and eternal chastity. This is not very different from holy ordination. This vow is one of the three vows that nuns must say and do when they are confirmed. This vow is useful for maintaining the spiritual life of the nuns.
  7. Marriage should not be something that is forced by both circumstances and family members. Every couple must voluntarily make a marriage vow.
  8. The murder of a married friend. Romans 7: 2 records, “For a wife is bound by law to her husband as long as he is alive. But when her husband dies, she is free from the law that binds him to her husband. " Despite this verse, it is not proper for one person to kill another to find a partner.
  9. Blood relation. Catholics do not allow the existence of marital relations between blood families both in the line of descent up, down, or sideways up to the 4th level.
  10. Blood-related.
  11. Public eligibility.
  12. Adoption relationship. Even though the children are not related by blood to their adopted siblings, they have legally become siblings. Therefore, marriage between them is not allowed.

According to provision number 3, divorce is not allowed. Therefore, apart from volunteering between the prospective groom and bride, they must also agree to accept and surrender to each other because the marriage vows cannot be revoked. This is commonly referred to as consensus. There are 8 factors that can damage this consensus and thus hinder marriage.

  1.     Not being able to face life psychologically.
  2.     Not quite understanding about marriage.
  3.     Mistaken in understanding yourself or your partner.
  4.     There is fraud.
  5.     Misunderstanding the nature and sanctity of marriage.
  6.     Simulation.
  7.     The emergence of the conditions for holding a consensus.
  8.     Forced consensus or on the basis of fear.

Marriage must be confirmed in church. In the Catholic church, marriage is performed as a special sacrament. In this affirmation, the marriage must be carried out in front of three people. The three people were church officers as confirmation and two witnesses. The Protestant Church also requires the presence of two witnesses at the blessing of marriage.

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