The Concepts of Salvation in Christian Doctrine

Salvation based on Christian belief is all in the protection of Jesus Christ. Salvation can only be done if someone has believed or believed in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this section, we believe that one day we will unite with the Father who believes in Christians.

In Christian Teaching, there is a concept of salvation or soteriology that explains a spiritual experience with God. There is a way to obtain salvation according to the Christian faith, which is based on the 12 concepts of salvation or the symbol of salvation. These concepts do not increase or overlap one another. these concepts, you can see below.

1. Concept of Choice

The first concept of salvation is the concept of choice or interpreted in English as Election. In this concept God chose someone who could be saved to later become a member of the body of Jesus Christ. In John 6:44, God has the right to make choices and humans are free to respond.

2. Substitute Concepts
Next is the concept of substitution or subtitution. The purpose of this surrogate concept is that Jesus' death was made a substitute for humans who trusted Him as God and their savior. This concept can also be spelled out in Greek prepositions of danger. First is the word "huper" and and the word "anti".

3. The Concept of Redemption
The concept of redemption at this point is penance. In this concept, there are several terms used. The first is the term Agorazo, which means to buy, pay, and also give up anything as a price of payment that can be worth it for something on other goods. It can be said that giving a price can be commensurate with the sin of the person who commits the deed. This was done so that his sins could be atoned for through the blood of Jesus.

The second is the exagorazo term. The meaning of this term is to buy or get out. Based on its theological meaning, it is bought out or transferred from various markets of sin. In other words, the death of Jesus Christ can move people from the market of sin. That way, people who believe in Jesus will be fully guaranteed from the penalty of sin.

The last term is lutroo. The purpose of this article is to free or release people from various sins. The human was also ordered to leave as free people. You need to know that the purpose of the ransom in this section is to free the bonds of sin.

4. Concept of Satisfaction

This concept is derived from the word "hilasmos" which means satisfying, and also reconciling with oneself. In other words, this term refers more to peace. Theologically, Jesus' death satisfied God. At Hebrews 9: 5, the hilasterion in this section can describe the situation in the prayer camp. In this section, Jesus Christ is the meeting place of sinners who have been satisfied by the blood of His sacrifice. God also requires humans to be satisfied with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and also accept Him. That is the promise of salvation in the Bible John 1:12.

5. The concept of switching
This concept is the return of the mind of someone who sinned voluntarily from sin to Jesus Christ. If seen from the deeds of God, then it can be said of a new birth or regeneration. This was confirmed in Jer 31:18 by the divine movement accompanied by human actions who voluntarily abandoned their sins.

6. The concept of a new birth

This concept was discussed in the previous point. Regeneration or new birth is an activity of God's spirit which gives a new nature to a sinful person. That is because the person wants to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and also as the Savior.

7. The Concept of Peace

This concept is taken from the noun katallage which uses the verb katallaso. The meaning of the word is the adjustment of a difference which will lead to animosity from both parties. This concept is clearly stated at EF 2: 15-16.

8. The concept of justification

With the presence of Jesus Christ, sinners are corrected by faith in him. Various elements in justification include forgiveness of sins and also the removal or removal of mistakes and the punishment of sin.

9. The concept of appointment

Everyone who repents of his sins, he will be appointed as one of His family. In addition, he also has the right to inherit from the kingdom of God as long as he has faith in the Lord Jesus. This is reflected in the Scriptures about repenting.

10. The Concept of Oneness with Jesus Christ

In this concept the unity of people who believe in the example of Jesus Christ is essential. This union is also vital for life.

11. The Concept of Sanctification

The concept of holiness is divided into three, namely holiness in position, experience, and also the end. For position, only for people who have faith in Him. For a more experienced version of the process or an ongoing effort. While for the final sanctity is total perfection by Jesus in a sinful body that becomes more holy.

12. The Concept of Breeding

The concept of glorification only occurs in eternal life. That was written in Matt. 25:46. Eternal here is a life that has been blessed and also full of merit. People who have been purified will later provide service and worship God.

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