Adventist Christians: Their Meanings, Teachings, and Differences


 In general, we know two Christian groups, namely Protestant Christians and Catholic Christians. However, if we talk more specifically, there are many more groups in Christianity. One of the most developed Christian groups is Adventist Christians. Today, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, one of the Adventist churches, has spread to various cities in the world.

Adventist Christianity was started by the Miller Movement. This movement gathers people who are waiting for Jesus to come for the second time. With the hope that Jesus will return in the near future, they finally categorized themselves as Adventist Christians. The following will discuss Adventist Christianity: its meaning, teachings, and differences.

Meaning of Adventist Christianity

In Christianity, Advent is known as the period celebrated before Christmas. The word Advent itself comes from the Latin Adventus which means coming. Christmas is the time of the coming of Jesus so that the period before Christmas is called Advent week. However, we also know Adventist Christian groups. This group calls themselves that because they are a group that is looking forward to the second coming of Jesus.

Adventist Christians believe that Jesus will return very soon. They believe this on the basis of the 2300 days prophecy found in Daniel 8. In fact, all Christian groups believe that Jesus will come a second time for the time of judgment. However, Adventist Christians emphasize that Jesus is coming in the near future and they need to look forward to it.

Adventist Christian Teaching

In the past, Adventist Christianity did not specifically formulate the foundations of belief. However, the Adventist publishing house in Michigan ended up publishing 25 theses in a synopsis of Adventist beliefs. Furthermore, these propositions have been improved to become 28 parts. The results of this revision were published in the Church's 1889 Yearbook. The foundations of Adventist Christian belief will be revised at the general meeting of the Adventist World Church in 1980 to become 27 paragraphs. Then, the refinement that resulted in one additional paragraph was carried out again in 2005. Here are the most striking Adventist Christian teachings.

    The law of God in the foundation of belief 19 explains that this law is manifested in the Ten Laws as stated in Exodus 20: 1-17. God's law is also reflected in the life of Christ. Seventh-day Adventist Christians have strictly adhered to the Law, especially the fourth commandment regarding the Sabbath.
    Sabbath observance in 20 beliefs defines the Sabbath as the seventh day of the week. The Sabbath day in question starts from Friday when the sun sets to Saturday when the sun sets again. The Sabbath is kept as a form of thanksgiving for God's creation and redemption.

Exodus 20: 8-11 “Remember and keep the Sabbath day holy: six days you will work and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God, so do not do any work, you or your son, or your daughter. , or your servant is male, or your servant is female, or your animal or stranger in your place of residence. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth and the sea from all that were in them, and he rested on the seventh day. that is why the LORD has blessed the Sabbath day and has kept it holy. "

    The second coming of Christ on the basis of belief 25-28 is believed to come in real terms, for each person, for sight, and for the whole world. Adventist Christians believe that the righteous will be resurrected, glorified, and caught up to meet God.
    Human nature based on beliefs 7 and 26 is dependence on Allah. Man cannot separate his mind and spirit from God. Man depends entirely on Allah for his life.

John 15: 5 “I am the vine, and you are the branches. If anyone abides in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. "

  •     The end of sin on the basis of belief 27 is being destroyed by God. In the end, Allah will wash away sin from the face of the earth. The earth will be free from sin and Satan forever.
  •     The great contradiction in belief 8 is believed to be experienced by all mankind. Man is involved in the great controversy between Christ and Satan.
  •     The Temple of Heaven based on belief 24 is believed to exist and was founded by God alone. There, Christ did ministry for believers to receive the atoning sacrifice He made on the cross.
  •     The trial trial on the basis of belief 24 is also believed to be substantiating the 2300 days prophecy in Daniel 8.Eventh Christians believe that in 1844, Christ returned to ministry to redeem mankind.
  •     The remaining people in the foundation of belief 13 are the three angels listed in Revelation 14. Adventist Christians believe that there is an end time when evil is rampant and then there is already a group of remnant people whom God has called. This people continue to maintain God's law and faith in Jesus. They proclaim salvation through Christ.
  •     The gift of prophecy on the basis of belief 18 is believed to have been realized through the ministry of Ellen G. White. His writing is a guide for making the church better. White's writings also emphasize again that the Bible is the basis of all teaching.

The Differences between Adventist Christians and Other Christians

Apart from the teachings that Adventist Christians have, Adventist Christians are quite striking because they have various differences with Christians in general. Here are the differences that Adventist Christians have.

    Adventist Christians keep the Sabbath day holy by gathering with families. They fill the Sabbath with prayers, songs, and expressions of thanksgiving. They can also fill it by doing church services or visiting the sick. They are not allowed to read, watch, or listen to secular matters.
    Adventist Christians do not prohibit the use of tattoos and piercings or other things deemed to be damaging to the body. They firmly hold that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit so that they cannot be damaged.

1 Corinthians 6:19 "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?"

    When other Christians liberated themselves in terms of food, Adventist Christians still adhere to the lawful and haram laws stated in Leviticus 11. In addition, Adventist Christians also encourage their members to become vegetarians. Adventist Christians not only prohibit the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, but they also prohibit the consumption of caffeinated beverages.
    Adventist Christians avoid marriages between Adventist church members and non-members of the Adventist Church.
    Adventist Christians are among those who believe that God created the world in 7 days. They believe that the word “day” used in the book of Genesis has no other meaning than 1 × 24 hours.

Adventist Christians do have some differences from Christians in general. Non-Adventists may view Adventist Christians as too binding a group. However, Adventist Christians are still members of God's family who base their faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, we must still be able to appreciate Adventist Christianity: the meaning, teachings, and differences are shared because it is based on the Word of God. Hopefully this article on Adventist Christianity: its meaning, teachings, and differences was helpful.

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