The Meaning of Christmas History Traditions December 25



This Christmas is one of the Christian celebrations that is always celebrated every year which falls on December 25. The meaning of Christmas itself was first used in Portuguese, which means birthday. However, some places celebrate Christmas not only on December 25, the Orthodox church celebrates Christmas which falls on January 6. Christmas itself is often referred to as the birth of a Savior, who will save us from misery and from the death of our sins. Before Christmas falls on December 25, the previous Christmas is celebrated on January 6. However, many are protesting the issue of the day of the fall of Christmas.

On January 6 in Europe, the day is commemorated as the day of worship of the sun god. Pope Liberius replaced the new anniversary Christmas in about 325-354, which made Christmas December 25th. The more people who warn Christmas to be December 25th, the more Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. Then, December 25 was made the official date of Christmas around the world. Further explanation of the history of Christmas why it was made the date of December 25 as follows.

First Christmas Day Inaugurated December 25

Almost all Christians recognize December 25, the date is also not only introduced by Christians. However, people of other religions are also very aware of this December 25th because it is familiar to everyone to hear. The day of Jesus' birth is never actually stated in the Bible, because the Bible never explains the day of Jesus' birth. Just tell how the Savior was born into the world. The Christmas celebration originally began according to Christians in the 4th century AD. This commemoration is still holding community ceremonies by means of idol worship. Because this is known in the 1st century AD-4 AD the world was still ruled by the Romans who were addicted to polysticism. Almost all Roman people were Catholic, but they could not leave their customs and culture.

Moreover, there is a Sunday party celebration which means Sun is the sun, and Day is the day. If we combine it into a solar day. Sunday is the anniversary of the Sun God which falls on December 25. Therefore, so that Christianity and Catholicism could be accepted by the Roman community, a religious combination was held. It means that religious unity is a combination of their cultural customs, and is united with the birthday of the Savior. So the coalition in 325 inaugurated December 25 on the birthday of the Lord Jesus or Christmas. In the first week of December, Sunday is celebrated or often called the day of the sun god. And that day, is now being renamed as the Sabbath that falls on Saturday. Then, those two memorial days are now commemorations in various Worlds.

The Meaning of Christmas for Christians

Christmas is good news for your family. Because the son of the Father who was born and came down in the world to save his people. Christmas is an invitation from the Father for us to meet our Savior. We usually give thanks because Christmas has arrived, because the world will be saved by the Lord Jesus. Then for those of us who are Christians, what is the meaning of Christmas in our lives? Does Christmas have a special meaning among you? This is the meaning of Christmas for us and other religious people.

    Christmas Is Fellowship With God

It is on this Christmas day that our fellowship with God begins. The Lord Jesus depicts the vine as the vine, and us as the branches of the vine. People who grow their souls in God are people who are faithful in following the path with the Father, and give up their whole life with the Father. Growing in God means we always live in the truth of His teachings (1 John 2:3-7). In this Christmas, God also tells us to develop our faith, so that we can carry out the duties and mandates that God has commanded us.

    Christmas Brings Great Joy

Many people often say that Christmas brings a sense of joy that is truly abundant in our lives. His joy that gives peace to our lives, because of the coming of Christ who gives peace to our lives. Christmas is a moment of change in our lives that are not good for the better than before. The more we receive the joy of Christmas in our lives, the more our lives will be happy and peaceful in the protection of Jesus.

    Christmas Makes Us Grow

Growing does not mean we are getting bigger, but growing in our spiritual and faith strength. God wants us to grow more and more, and be able to spread the truth about Jesus more and more. Our growing spirituality will make us more and more sure of the truth of the Father's Kingdom. The more we grow in Christ, the more we will be called by the Father to be the Father's faithful messengers. Because growing can also be done by way of sure change, and devote his whole life to only one God, namely Jesus Christ.

    Christmas Is The Proof Of Father's Love

The celebration of Christmas moments also proves that the Father really loves us, Christmas which means sending his only child to save us from sin. His only son who was willing to die for us, and atone for our sins that we have committed in this world. Christmas provides salvation and eternal for our lives, the Father himself gives evidence of His love so that we never leave him and always remember him.

    Christmas Brings Abundant Life

The salvation that the Father gives us also becomes our more abundant life. A life that is always full of salvation from the Father, also our lives will be blessed by our lives throughout our lives. In Philippians 4:7 If our hearts and minds are always controlled by the holy spirit, our lives will also be more abundant and peaceful. This peace will always plant in your heart and mind for the rest of your life.

    Christmas Brings Salvation

The moment of Christmas really has a lot of meaning. One of the meanings of Christmas for us is to gain salvation. It means to get salvation, that in fact the Messiah has been born and we will have a King of kings who has been sent by the Father. Jesus will also save us from the torments in this world, by the way we will follow all the teachings that he gave. Obtaining salvation for us is very important, because salvation is only obtained by those who are faithful followers of Christ.

Church Worship Events Before Christmas

At the time of Christmas, usually the church will do a lot of different moments of worship. Christmas worship is not only done in one day and one time. Even before the moment of Christmas worship will start, usually the event before Christmas will also be held a Christmas worship event. Here are the events before and after Christmas.

    Christmas Worship Night

The Christmas Eve service which is usually celebrated by Christians and Catholics falls on December 24. Usually this event is more solemn and this Christmas Eve worship service is usually held for 3 events. Usually the afternoon event starts at 4 pm, 7 pm, and 9 pm. This is indeed adjusted to the evening service because, to welcome the coming of Jesus who will come tomorrow. Christmas Eve worship usually at this event can be said to be the most lively event, because worship is full and worship is usually more crowded than other public Sunday services.

    I Christmas Worship Birth Event

At the birth of the Christmas service, it is usually welcomed because Jesus has come. Usually the worship service to welcome the birth of the Lord Jesus is carried out as usual during normal hours like worship on Sundays in general. However, the service was more lively with an attractive welcome and appearances from church servants welcoming the day Jesus had come into the world. This service is usually held on December 25, and is carried out according to the shift part of the church worship. In the morning worship service is divided into 3 parts, at 6 am and at 8 am, also at 10 am. In the afternoon worship, there is usually only one worship service at 6 pm.

    Christmas Worship II Birth Event

In addition to the event held on Christmas Eve worship and welcoming service on December 25. Usually the church will also hold a Christmas II service, this worship is done so that we get closer to God. This worship which is usually carried out by the church is usually only divided into 3 divisions of the hours of the event. In the morning, 2 divisions of the morning hours are made. Then proceed to worship in the afternoon.

Christmas Church Worship Tradition

Christmas is always celebrated by Christians and Catholics, but even though they both celebrate Christmas. However, they have different worship events. In Catholicism, usually it has the same worship schedule as Christianity. Catholic celebrations are quieter and quieter, and always carry out their worship with the sound of a gong from the church. Usually at the second Christmas service, the Pastor will make offerings for us to eat, usually in the form of bread and usually the only people who can eat it are people who are true Catholics and have been baptized.

Well, if for Christians the Christmas service is very different for Catholics, the worship is very lively and crowded. Worship in Christians usually tends to shout more praises to the Lord Jesus. Then, each of whom has a miracle from the Lord Jesus, usually he will tell it in an ongoing worship service. This is often used by Christians, usually so that other Christians realize that God never leaves us.

Christmas Worship Traditions at Home

If we have read the worship above about church services that have been carried out by Christians and Catholics. Usually they will also hold events at home, together with their families. Moreover, according to them, Christians think that it is very important to worship in addition to being at church, also at home. Usually, Christmas worship at home is a bit different when we worship at church (Also read: Christian Brief Devotional). At Christmas worship at home, the same worship is carried out in the church, but at the time of preaching the gospel it will usually be represented by one of the family members.

At the end of the family worship usually give a merry Christmas one by one to everyone. Then say Christmas wishes in our lives that we will carry out to continue Christmas next year. Usually there will be a closing ceremony with the last event, namely dinner, with the first being a prayer with thanksgiving. After that, usually they will eat together among their respective families and while chatting and joking with each other.

General Singing for Christmas Worship

Christmas is also famous for its distinctive singing and almost everyone also knows the Christmas song besides Christians and Catholics. So what Christmas carols do you know that are usually sung at your Christmas worship. Here are the kinds of Christmas songs that are known by various people.

    Holy Night

This holy night song is often sung during Christmas Eve worship services. This song is indeed heard in a quiet and sad tone. This holy night song has been memorized by all members of the Christian and Catholic congregations. So this holy night song is quite popular and is widely known by many people.

    Heaven's Gita Resounds

The song Gita Heaven echoes, usually this song is always there on Christmas Eve and also on Christmas I and also Christmas II events. The song Gita Heaven echoes is often used at events leading up to Christmas. For this reason, this song is often heard by many people, even if we watch shows on tv, we will often hear this song.

    We Wish You Merry Christmas

Well, you must have heard this song often, right? This song will usually be played at our Christmas worship, which is nearing closing and is almost finished. Not only Christians and Catholics who know this song. In fact, we often see other people often singing this song. This song is also often played at all Christmas celebrations. It's no wonder why the song We Wish You Merry Christmas is very well known and popular among the public.

Christmas Symbols We Often See

Christmas also often has many images in our lives, therefore often Christmas also has its own symbols. So that these Christmas symbols have special meaning for our lives. Then what are the symbols of Christmas that are very meaningful in our lives? The following are examples of Christmas symbols that have significant meaning.

1. Church

The church is a symbol for Christians and Catholics as a place of worship where we meet our Father and savior Jesus Christ. The usual place to do this worship, is also very identical at the time of Christmas. At the Christmas service held at this church, there are usually quite a lot of events and are filled with many people who want to worship. Usually churches that are often filled with places of worship and well-known churches will be included in the news and guarded by some security. So that the worship performed by the people in worship can be wiser.

2. Christmas Tree

Christmas trees are also often synonymous for us to celebrate our Christmas worship to make it more beautiful and wise. The first Christmas tree began to be made and decorated by the German state. The installation of a Christmas tree was used with spruce trees by the German state. This began in the 16th century when the installation of Christmas trees using spruce trees began. However, after the times, there are many replicas of Christmas trees that we usually find in big malls. Indonesia does have a lot of cypress trees, but if there is excessive logging it will cause flooding. Finally, as time went on and technology progressed, an exact replica of the pine tree was made. Usually the Christmas tree is decorated with lots of lights, so that the tree looks more alive and lit at Christmas worship events. Christmas tree will give a bright color for our Christmas celebration.

3. Christmas Candles

Christmas besides completing worship in the church, usually in the celebration of the church's Christmas worship he also gives candles for each of his people. Because in the middle of the service a holy night is usually held, by lighting small candles that have been distributed by church servants. And it will be lit through the Pastor by following the ministers of the church who will distribute the fire to the church people. Candlelight celebrations are usually held on holy nights, and the church service lights are turned off and only candles light up around us. This is done using candles, so that Christmas worship is more interesting and wiser for us to enjoy in our dealings with God.

4. Santa Claus

When you think about Christmas, you must often ask for a wish that you write on paper, then you put the paper under your Christmas tree. Then there will imagine the prize will come tomorrow. Moreover, Santa Claus is often coveted by children, even though Santa Claus never actually exists. This is only made in the film, so that the Christmas moment becomes more interesting and feels beautiful. However, if we look on the street or at the mall during Christmas celebrations. Lots of people imitate themselves like Santa Claus, usually he will distribute small gifts to visitors or also give candy.

5. Exchange Gifts

Gift exchange events are also usually often done by your family or friends, when the Christmas moment is in progress. This gift exchange will usually tie the kinship of our relationship to become even closer around the people around you. Usually, each will buy a gift with a predetermined nominal target. Then, usually gifts will be given gift numbers and each will take a lottery according to the number he gets. Usually at the event it is very exciting, they will joke and laugh together. Then usually they will take photos with the gifts they get.

After reading a little explanation about Christmas, so what do you get from this article? Is Christmas the moment you really look forward to with your family? If Christmas is a moment you are waiting for, then what is the meaning of Christmas for your own life? If the meaning of Christmas for your life is the same as this article, so that this Christmas moment can make your family happy. Then what is the tradition of Christmas worship that you do in your church and also what you do at home? Is your Christmas tradition the same as this article? Then what Christmas symbol describes for your life?

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