Jesus himself once said that as Christians we must take up our cross and deny ourselves. This means that we as Christians will be closely related to everything that requires us to make sacrifices. Apart from that, we are also invited to deny oursel…
The sacrament of anointing the sick or the meaning of the sacrament of holy oil is one of the seven sacraments found in Catholicism. Originally, this sacrament was intended for those who were dying or near death. With this function, many people are …
Talking about the Christian church will certainly never be separated from talking about the sacraments. The sacrament itself is a sign and means of salvation given by the Father to us through sacrament ministers such as priests or priests. In the Ca…
One of the rituals contained in Christianity is the sacrament. The sacrament is a means of bestowing grace on believers. In the Catholic school itself there are seven sacraments by way of worshiping the Catholic religion, each of which has a specifi…
The Eucharist is one of the sacraments/rituals in Catholicism which is routinely performed every week during worship. The Eucharist is also considered the source and pinnacle of all Christian life. The term Eucharist comes from the Greek word meaning…
There are many theories that explain the origin of sin according to the Bible. But apart from that, we ourselves as humans tend to fall into sin many times. Because of this sinful state, humans are actually aware that their relationship with God wil…
At the beginning of creation Allah created the heavens and the earth. Then God created everything until in the end He created the first human, namely Adam and Eve as his companion to help maintain and care for all of God's creation. Until in the…
Karma is a term known in Hindu and Buddhist theological concepts. Both religions believe in reincarnation after death. And karma itself is the law of cause and effect that will determine how the quality of a person's life in his new life, whethe…
Death according to Christianity is not the end of everything but, there are some basic questions about what was the passion of Jesus' death like? Why did He have to suffer and die? Why was the crucifixion of Jesus so terrible? What can we learn…
Many have said that love is blind, because it does not look at who is loved and how it is. Many believe, many also oppose this view of love. This also applies to couples who will marry a widow or widower. Is it in accordance with the rules that have…
When it comes to goals, most people definitely have different goals from one another. Not surprisingly, the definition of the ideal Christian family presented by the subscribers of the Christian website is different. The answers actually describe d…
Clearly, the challenges of the postmodern era are getting bigger and bigger before our eyes. Is there a place for a biblical view of the postmodern age? Do we share their beliefs and values by responding to logical responses to the challenges of t…