Definition of Parish in the Catholic Church

Many people say 'I'm from parish A' or 'I'm from parish B'. The word parish itself is usually used by Catholics to ask where someone is a member of the church. In short, people often replace the mention of the word 'chur…

The Law of Love in the Christian Bible

God teaches us to love others indiscriminately. He always wants us to do good and spread love to others. Because God is a loving God. "Remember thy mercy and thy love, O Lord, for these have been from time immemorial." (Psalm 25: 6) Ther…

Earthquake Events When Jesus Was Crucified

Maybe you have heard many times that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is one of the important days in human history. Basically, there are four important events that occur on this earth. First is God created the first human. Second is the day of fall…

The Symbol of the Rooster in Christianity

When you look at a church roof, there is a rooster that stands right at the end of the roof. Maybe you have thought why the church uses the symbol of a rooster? Is there a connection between Christians and the symbol of a rooster? To find out what…

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